Good morning conference, members, comrades.
Patrick Dennehy from Dewsbury CLP in Yorkshire, first-time delegate.
I would like to move the following, as proposed in the delegate’s report Chapter 3: The creation of a new clause, Clause I to stipulate that all constitutional amendments, submitted by affiliated organisations and CLPS that are accepted as in order shall be timetable for debate at the first annual conference following submission.
Considering members were asked to vote on and accept a new 100-page rule book that they had sight of for only three hours, we do not think it beyond the wit of the NEC to consider short statements from CLPs within a few months. Dewsbury has had to wait 18 months from initial proposal for me to stand here today and move what is effectively only a four-line motion.
David Cameron runs a party dominated by top down management. We believe the opposite; that grassroots members should have as much opportunity to influence and be involved in the formation of party policy as those at the top.
As a party we are still learning the lessons and paying the price for ignoring the thoughts and opinions of our grassroots members during our 13 years in power. We became complacent about our grassroots support and it cost us.
If we are truly going to take our party forward on the principles of refounding Labour then it’s motions like this that need to become our core – positive change involving al members not the top-down dictats as demonstrated by the party currently leading Governement.
This resolution goes someway to redressing the balance and we hope, on behalf of Dewsbury CLP, that you will accept it.
Thank You conference.
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